Book Tag: The Secret Life of a Book Blogger

Having a break from blogging meant it felt like an age since I wrote a tag post. The fact that I’m excited feels like the break did what it was supposed to do and I’m back in business!

I’ve had this one bookmarked for a while but due to breaks/trying to be seasonal etc, I haven’t got around to it yet. So, without any further ado, it’s time I tried out the Secret Life of a Book Blogger post.

I first saw this one on Way Too Fantasy’s blog – one I can’t recommend enough! It was one I hadn’t done and it was fun to read, so I thought I’d try it out.

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger
Photo by Hello I’m Nik 🇬🇧 on Unsplash

How long have you been blogging?

This one has two answers. I started reviewing back in 2012 and stuck them up on a blog as somewhere to put them. But I started properly focusing on it as a blog, on all aspects and trying to get better about three years ago. How time flies…

What is the best thing about blogging?

I love the community of it and the support everyone gives each other (at least, in my experience). But I also enjoy the entire process: I love finishing something, then figuring out how I feel, writing up my review and sharing it. Spreading the love of a book – or even the disappointment – and hoping it helps influence a future reading decision, even just as one tiny part of a lot of recommendations, is a great feeling.

What is the worst thing? What can you do to make it okay?

Promotion. It’s not the worst because I don’t enjoy it, but just because of the time it takes. I’m about to try a new way of tackling it so I don’t spend hours each evening just trying to get it to where I want it to be and not have time to do anything else. Organisation is definitely key here.

How long does it make/take you to find pictures?

Up until recently, I’ve always tried to take my own. The taking part isn’t very long – which is probably why I’m not exactly developing as a photographer – but the editing and then creating the graphic side of things for social can be longer. Maybe an hour for everything? I’ve never timed it…

What is your book crush?

The Burning White by Brent Weeks

Hardest. Question. Ever! Only because it changes. At the moment, I might actually go with Cruxer from The Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks because he’s powerful, talented and just a damn good man. Always get the impression he’s really good-looking as well (who doesn’t have a shallow side with their book crushes?)

What author would you like to guest on your blog?

Ooh I’ve never thought of this before because I highly doubt it’s going to ever be something that happens. Any of my favourites, any of the big fantasy authors would definitely be a dream come true, but I couldn’t narrow it further than that. Anyone who wanted to!

What do you wear when you write blog posts?

Probably nine times out of ten – pyjamas. But that’s not a writing choice, it’s the time of day choice as I often do them either first thing or last thing, so I tend to be sitting in bed with the laptop when I’m writing things up. Otherwise, whatever I’m wearing at the time – no particular outfit.

How long does it take you to prepare?

Blogger Planner

This varies. Obviously, you’re preparing for a post for the entire time you’re reading a book you know you’re going to review. Then I like to leave it at least 12 hours before writing it to let all the emotions settle. And the image side of things… But it terms of psyching myself up to write a post, I don’t need any preparation for that – I know I’m either in the mood or not and go from there.

How do you feel about the book blogging community?

I love it. I’ve personally had no bad experiences and I love that there are certain blogs that I go to that I always know I’m going to get good recommendations, new suggestions or agree with their posts. I love that feeling. I’m possibly not as active in terms of the social media side of the book community compared to the blogging community in general though, so maybe not the best answer?

What do you think one should do to get a successful blog?

Patience and dedication. I’ve been reviewing for seven years (how did that happen?!) but it’s only been in the last year where I’ve really put the time and effort into the blog that I’ve started to see it grow, my engagement increase and start to really feel proud of what I’m doing. Before, without the effort, there wasn’t the results, which is only to be expected.

As per usual, I tag anyone who hasn’t done this and wants to give it a go. It made me think about myself as a blogger, which is great when you’re just coming back from a break and working out what works and what doesn’t. It was the promotion overload and the time it was taking that encouraged me to take the breather in the first place.

Let me know in the comments if you do this tag so I can come and see your answers!

A Rambling Reviewer

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41 thoughts on “Book Tag: The Secret Life of a Book Blogger

  1. I loved hearing about your experiences! I also blog of an evening so always in my pyjamas!! It’s nice to know that with hard work and dedication our blogs can grow.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love reading about how other bloggers experience their blogging journey. Promotion is the most time-consuming task a blogger has, and graphics sometimes take me long too if I feel uninspired:) thank you for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely – one thing I’ve learnt for sure this year is that there are no quick wins with blogging! Thank you for introducing me to the tag. Thanks – I’m pretty pleased about that too, aha!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love posts like this. I feel like they give an extra bit of insight into a blogger’s life. I do agree that promotion is very time-consuming and one of my least favorite parts of blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you sweetie. Yeah, so often I have these huge blogging plans and then I get home and am just like nope. It can be hard juggling it all and keeping the motivation up when you just want to sleep.


  4. Wow this is such a nice way to introspect… never thought of these questions for myself…
    Great to know you better… and I’m totally like you in the social media department… I am quite bad at promoting anything and hardly even post stuff.. I’m more of a reader of what others have to say on those platforms too…

    Liked by 1 person

    • You should give them a go – it really makes you think! I’m trying to find some good routines/easy habits to be able to stay on top of everything but think there’s just not enough hours in the day really aha! Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I have all the free time in the world but I still can’t keep on top of things .. too lazy and keep getting distracted… So, I’m sure you’re already doing great and will do even better 👍👍👍

        Liked by 1 person

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