The Bookaholics Anonymous Book Tag

Bookaholics Anonymous | Book Tag

It’s that time of the month again – book tag time! Here’s my bookaholics anonymous book tag!

Hi, I’m Lindsey and I’m a bookaholic.

In fact, I imagine many of the book-blogging community have this confession to make. But is it something we should be seeking help for? Is it heck!

I found this tag on Pretty Purple Polka Dots and the title alone made me laugh so much that I had to give it a go.

So while the rest of the country goes into panic-mode, I thought I’d share some fun but seeing what my answers to this tag would be.

The Bookaholic Anonymous Book Tag

What do you like about buying books?

I honestly get such a buzz when I’m buying a book. Whether it’s a title I went searching for or one I stumbled across, I always have this swell of excitement when I purchase it and it genuinely makes me excited to read. Of course, it often then sits on my shelf for a year before I read it but the buzz is still there.

How often do you buy books?

Not as often as I’d like! How often do I obtain new books is a very different question: I’m constantly reserving things at my library, finding kindle deals or requesting ARC’s. The number of new books I get compared to the number I spend money on is wildly disproportionate.

Bookstore or online book shopping – which do you prefer?

Bookstore. I love the whole experience: going in, browsing, being surrounded by books and the weight of one in your hand throughout the rest of your shopping trip. Again, though, there’s a difference between what I like the most, and which I do more often…

Do you have a favourite bookshop?

Word on the Water bookshop

My favourite is Word on the Water, a canal-boat-turned-bookshop situated in King’s Cross in London, near where I work. I haven’t been often, but it is full of charm and one of the few independent bookshops I can say I’ve been to. Around me there are only big chains, which I love but I can’t give them the position of favourite.

Do you pre-order books?

Occasionally. But I also have a really bad habit of being several books behind in a series and never know the new one is coming out until it’s released and I’m scrambling to read the entire series, so it’s not too much of an issue for me. Weirdly I pre-order from the library more than I do buying – normally when I’m desperate to read it but waiting for the paperback for my personal collection.

Do you have a monthly book buying limit?

See question 2 – because I don’t spend that much money on books, no. But I do go through stages where I try and stop myself requesting/reserving/obtaining any new books while I try and shift through the pile. It never works for long: I get inspired, request everything, freak that I won’t meet the deadlines and the whole process repeats.

Book buying bans – are they something for you?

Oops, I think I just answered this in the question before – see above? But no – as mentioned, they spectacularly fail every time so I’ve given up trying to be honest.

How big is your wishlist?

I can’t actually put a number on it. There’s all the new books I want. The series that I adore that I got out the library that I now want to own. And the new releases coming up where I want it to match my collection. There are several wishlists, all pretty full!

How about you? Are you a bookaholic? I tag anyone who wants to do this post – I’d love to read your answers, let me know if you tackle it!

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The Bookaholics Anonymous Book Tag

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68 thoughts on “Bookaholics Anonymous | Book Tag

  1. Great tag! I wish I could say I didn’t spend much money on books though, Although credit where it is due… I am 6 days off not buying a single book in September!!! This is big news!


  2. I try so hard to do book buying bans but I always fail! I tell myself ok no buying this month or wait until you’ve read x amount of books but I can’t ever do it!
    That book shop is so cute! I’ll have to check it out when I’m next in central London!


  3. What a cool tag! At the start of lockdown, I was reading so many books but I’ve let it slide recently and I am cross with myself!


  4. Such a cool tag! I have a monthly allowance for my books, otherwise I’d just lose control over my book buys lol. That is such a cute bookshop! I wish there were cute bookshops like that where I live.


    • That’s a really good idea! It’s just too easy to get carried away, isn’t it? I wish there was one closer to me as well but at least this is around when I’m at work.


  5. I love that bookshop! I get most of my books from my local library or Netgalley but also have an Audible subscription to feed my audiobook fascination. Great post!


    • Oh me too, it’s so charming! That sounds like a great balance of where you’re getting them from – I need to get back to my local library with the whole lockdown thing.


  6. I’ve really been missing my local library during lockdown but luckily they have a pretty good online platform which has been a real saviour!


  7. I’m right there with you as I also have several chunky book wishlists. Every time I look at them my heart sinks a little knowing that I’ll probably only get to read a small percentage of them in my lifetime as they get passed over for other books haha.

    Love the look of that bookshop and will have to check it out the next time I’m in London!


    • It’s such a weird feeling isn’t it? You want all the books and then it’s just upsetting when you realise you’ll probably never get through them… Happy reading though!


  8. This was fun to read! I all but stopped buying books (except for special occasions) when I discovered the Scribd app. It’s a monthly fee but it’s far less than I was previously spending on buying everything lol


  9. I agree with so much of this! I much prefer bookstores too, but often get things on kindle deals so have a lot more ebooks these days. And I only pre-order for authors I realllllly love. My TBR is always too long to justify it usually x



  10. Great tag – I’m definitely going to give this one a go! Thank you for also making me realise that I should use the local library more! I still think of it as a place to get academic books rather than books I want to read


  11. Word on the Water sounds amazing! Definitely need to come up with an excuse to visit King’s Cross so I can check that out. I’m like you – much prefer a physical book store when it comes to browsing and buying books!


  12. Such a fun book tag – you don’t need to be a bookaholic either! I’m with you about bookstores because I love seeing the real book and that’s why I don’t have a Kindle either, I prefer a real book in my hand. Sadly bookstores and touching are off limits at the moment, but hopefully not for too much longer! x


    • I completely understand that! My kindle has its place but I definitely love the feel of having a proper book in my hand for sure! I’m missing my library at the moment.


  13. Hiiii Lindsey! xD I literally imagined a group of people in a circle holding books during this. Ohhh wow! I’ve never heard of Words on the Water so I may have to check that out whenever I’m in London next. I love visiting bigger bookshops because they’re more like to have a larger section of YA novels! I wish there were more independent shops up North!

    Daisy xoxo


    • It’s so cute and charming – really tiny but packed full of books. I haven’t roamed a bookshop for ages, haven’t even been to the library for ages and I miss it!


  14. I too get a buzz when buying books! I love browsing large bookstores, it’s like there’s a whole world to explore that I haven’t seen before. I used to purchase from Book Depository a lot when they had discounts, they do a lot of free shipping which I’m all for.


    • I’ve been on the Book Depository quite a lot in the last few days (oops) and there do seem to be some bargains still going on there, I’ve seen quite a few titles with % off!


  15. I keep trying to persuade myself to go back to the library with the way things are at the moment because I really can’t take any more books, haha. I’d love to read your answers if you do it!


  16. Nice question and answers. For me I don’t buy books much. I just read them on any book or other apps although I’ve not been reading as much as I used to. I made a conscious move to change that this month.


    • That sounds so exciting, I look forward to seeing them from you! Weirdly mine has gone the other way because of no commute but I’m trying to pull it back now!


  17. Everytime I go to London I always say I will go to Word on the Water but never have! Hopefully when restrictions are lifted and I’m next in London I am even more determined to go. I always prefer going into a bookshop rather shopping online too. Great post!


    • It’s a really cute place to go. It’s not big so not like it takes long which can make it a bit out of the way if you’re not in that area but hopefully you’ll get the chance.


  18. I definitely need to check out that book shop! There’s just something wonderful about a new book, and picking out the right one!


  19. Love this! We’re also bookaholics. We also prefer to buy books in person, there’s something so fun about going to a bookstore and browsing.


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